There are many organizations in the world and are categorized as Average, Below Average and Above Average organizations. Very few companies make their mark in “Above Average” category. An organization can be considered “Above Average” when its leaders are capable of recognizing the talents and potential of its employees and when they prove themselves to be a part of the team to motivate the employees to give their best. For this, they need to study Human Resources and implement it.
The successful Entrepreneurs understand that Innovation and Growth of the business are completely dependent on the talented individuals who will help to shape the future of the business. Employees are the largest investment any modern company make into its future because a company cannot beat it’s competitors or cannot grow in the market having wrong people in the staff. According to one survey, companies with happy employees outperform the competition by 20 percent and earn 1.2 to 1.7 percent more. Hence, it’s utmost important that Entrepreneurs also become and behave as a good HR Manager. After all, any company or organization is a group of people; directing them in the right way often leads to progress.
Successful entrepreneurs must have the managerial skills necessary to evaluate potential employees, hire and train workers and put them in appropriate positions in his / her company. This means being a good judge a character, finding people who will work well together, and ensuring that staffers are qualified for their jobs. Once employees are on the job, a successful entrepreneur needs to have the ability to manage teams, oversee conflict and dispute resolution and provide ongoing training to encourage high-quality performance.
Every entrepreneur needs to know this in order to lead his or her organization on the path of glory. The Chairman of Vedanta Group, famously known as the Metal King of the sector, Mr. Anil Agarwal, was recently interviewed on a TV Channel. During the interview, he was asked to state the reason for the success of the Vedanta group, to which his answer was, “People, People, and People.” He also added, “If you want to see your organization at peak, you need to perceive your staff members as business partners rather than employees, and most importantly, you need to be a good HR manager for reaching the Zenith. “
An organization is nothing without manpower, hence it becomes essential to nurture it well.” Young entrepreneurs should be encouraged to take inspiration from these words of wisdom from the Chairman of Vedanta Group about maintaining human relationships with employees.
Treating employees as partners rather than workers makes them feel less inclined to jump from the ship when it’s sinking. For the better productivity of the company and most importantly for the sake of humanity you need to respect all working staff just as you would respect your business partner. Showing your employees, you truly care about them will pay dividends in the long run. It takes a mature and experienced entrepreneur to empathize with their employees struggles.
At times, the stress levels at work can get simply too much to handle. In such situations, many Owners vent their frustration at their employees. Often, this is delivered in an unpleasant tone, and in presence of co-workers. If you are guilty of following this practice (or a variation), stop immediately. If you continue, you will have to contend with demotivated employees who will leave your company at the first opportunity. Additionally, they will not put in their best at work. A little patience on your part will be greatly appreciated by the employees, in fact, they will be happy to put in a much greater level of effort the next time around.
Remember, the employees work not only for remuneration, but they also desire to make their identity, while working at an organization. They want to feel proud to be a part of your company. They want to learn, develop their careers, and they want to enjoy going to the office every day. This becomes possible, when you as an entrepreneur take the responsibility of creating a happy working culture. This happy culture increases your employees’ productivity, which improves your bottom line. Rightly said, Happiness makes workers 12 percent more productive. If the atmosphere at work is positive, everyone will put in his or her best to achieve the goals set for them. When this happens, it results in the overall progress of the organization and indicates good leadership policies. A motivated and upbeat team can deliver and even exceed the targets you set for them. A good entrepreneur is characterized by inspiring such individuals. When an entrepreneur grasps this to their veins, they become unstoppable
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